Monday, July 16, 2012

Military Weight Loss Programs - The Fitness Secrets of the Military

Those in the military know that there are stringent guidelines when it comes to gaining weight and weight loss. They have spent countless hours and dollars researching what will help keep our military men and women healthy and fit. When soldiers have begun gaining more weight than they should, they are often put on a very strict weight loss program. For those individuals that need help losing weight,
a boot camp style training camp is not what you need. You can use some of the same tactics that the military uses to help its soldiers lose weight right in the comfort of your own home. The U.S. Army teaches their soldiers that it all begins with nutrition. The right kinds of foods in the right amount will help your weight loss program a lot. The military teaches that eating for performance power will help you with your weight.
Foods that are moderate in protein, high in carbohydrates (this is to help while doing physical fitness), low in fat and remember to keep the variety coming in your diet. Now does this mean that you will never be able to eat another piece of cake or enjoy potato chips ever again? NO! You can have those things, but not every day and portion size is also one of the keys to your success. Exercise is important to help your body maintain the muscle mass it has as well as for building more. Spending at least 30 minutes a day doing some form of excursive will help you. Strength building exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups and working with weights will help you see results in your stamina pretty quickly.
Running is another good exercise that helps you learn how to control your breathing as well as your endurance. Military style weight loss is something that will keep you moving and keep you eating well.


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