Friday, July 20, 2012

How to Get Into Shape With a Cross Trainer

If you are thinking about getting a cross trainer in order to get into shape then this is a very worthwhile purchase that should help you to quickly tone your muscle and cut fat, even if you have struggled in the past. Here we will look at why using a cross trainer at home is such a good strategy as well as at HOW to use it for the best results.
Why a Cross Trainer?
In case you're currently confused and wondering what precisely a cross trainer is, it's essentially the same as an elliptical machine and sees you training by holding two handles and making a ski like motion on the spot in order to burn calories. This is a form of CV that enables you to get your heart rate pumping in the same way as you do when jogging, but it also has a number of advantages. The first of these is that it allows you to train without impact - your legs will slide backwards and forwards, and at no point will your feet slam into any surface. This means there's no jolt and it makes it much more gentle on the body meaning it's suitable for everyone and won't cause shin splints.
Having a cross trainer at home is ideal because it provides a very easy and convenient way to train. As it's in your own home you can choose your music or another form of entertainment such as a TV show or film, and that will then mean that you can avoid getting bored while you work. At the same time because it's relatively mild and because it's stationary, you won't be likely to dread using it too much. Finally as it's right in your own home you don't need to travel, to drive, or to get changed, and all this means that you can simply jump on and have a go with no real stress. It's so easy that you require hardly any willpower to use it.
How to Get the Most From It
Make sure then that you capitalize on this by putting your cross trainer in a room where there is entertainment or something for you to watch, and make sure that the environment is right for training.
Normally you can start to see results by simply training regularly and putting in a good amount of effort. Your effort here is more important than the length of time, and it's all about how much you get your heart rate to pump (though consult with a doctor first if you are very over weight, or if you suffer with heart problems). If though you want to see much faster results and are in generally good health, then you should consider using 'interval training' which is basically a form of training where you are going to split your workout into stints of fast running and slow jogging for about 2-3 minutes each. This enables you to get your heart pumping much faster and will result in quicker weight loss and toning.


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